Let’s face it. Everyone wants you to ‘like’ them on Facebook or ‘follow’ them on Twitter. And it’s now become common for big brands and local business alike to showcase their Facebook URL instead of their website when advertising.

Think about this: How many commercials and radio ads mention “Like us on Facebook” as their main call to action? You’re correcting in thinking a lot of them.

I know it’s extremely important to drive traffic to your website but getting people to come to your Facebook page first is just as important if not more important. I have had plenty “exchanges” with business owners about the significance of a loyal social following.

However trying to convince the general public of a new idea is useless according to the Diffusion of Innovations theory:Rogers-Adoption-Curve

“Diffusion of Innovations is a theory that seeks to explain how, why, and at what rate new ideas and technology spread through cultures. Everett Rogers, a professor of rural sociology, popularized the theory in his 1962 book Diffusion of Innovations.” source- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diffusion_of_innovations

So, instead of dwelling on the non adopters, I created a new way to show “props” or “proper respect” to those companies who have embraced this innovation and actively pursue the use of social media. Now, whenever I see “Like us on Facebook” or “Follow us on Twitter” on packaging or other promotional materials I snap a picture using Instagram and post it to Twitter with the hashtag #socialprops.

#socialprops joy cinemaWhat started as a personal hobby on my Tumblr soon began to catch on with my friends and followers. I obviously wasn’t the only one who was noticing this trend and I now notice #socialprops even more. So why not let everyone in on this scavenger hunt and allow you to give your #socialprops to deserving businesses?

So keep those eyes peeled and camera phone ready. You’re bound to see one sooner than later!



Happy hunting!