who pinned you on pinterest

How to See Who Has Pinned Your Website Content on Pinterest

This week’s #SocialMediaMinute will cover how to see who has pinned your website content on Pinterest.

You can see who has pinned images from your blog along with the most recent pins from your website, including the user who pinned it and the board it was pinned to.

Now this information is only powerful if you put it to use … Here’s how!

See Also: How to Convert your Pinterest Account to a Company Page

who has pinned my website

How to use Pinterest Source Search

Source search your competitors: As mentioned above, the information Pinterest source search provides can be very powerful!

For example, if you were ever curious if a competitor was gaining traction on the platform you could simply source search their domain.

Source search popular blogs or websites: Short on content? Using source search for popular websites or blogs will give not only give you content to re-pin on Pinterest, but you can also share those articles to other social networks if it makes sense.

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The Biggest Benefit to Finding who has Pinned your Website

Find active “interested” users to follow: if you’re looking to grow your Pinterest following, finding users who are already interested in the content you provide should be step-one.

This can totally be done when source searching your domain!  (Though I’m sure you already thought about that!)

Use Pinterest source search to track who has pinned your content on Pinterest and follow them. It’s that simple, and it’s very likely that they may have pinned something from your website, but failed to connect with your official account.


The same way you would track brand mentions online, or follow a hashtag associated with your brand, social listening and connecting with those who are already chatting about your brand should be a major factor in your digital strategy.

While this is a very very simplified way to find who has pinned your content on Pinterest. It’s a good start.

If you’re not seeing may pins from your site, work with your webmaster to install the pin-it button or take a look at the images on your site/blogs to see if they’re even pin-worthy.

What are some other users for Pinterest source search that I missed? How else can you use this feature to your advantage? Let me know in the comments below and make sure to come back next week for more social media tutorials.