Uncovering Twitter Discover

In this social media tutorial I’m going to quickly go over Twitter Discover.

If used correctly, your Twitter following is one of the best places to find the most recent trending headlines.

Twitter Discover delivers tailored content with an emphasis on the tweets that are popular among the people you follow and their friends.

So let’s take a look at the discover tab.

Once you’ve logged into your twitter account, you’ll notice in the upper left corner the discover tab. Look for the #Discover.

SEE ALSO: Twitter Saved Search Feature Explained

twitter discover tab

Once logged into your twitter account, you’ll notice in the upper left corner the discover tab.

After selecting the Discover tab, the first thing you will see is a list of the most popular STORIES your connections are talking about.

Twitter Discover Functions:

  • STORIES is a great place to find current news and teachings regarding your industry assuming you follow the right people. Through the Discover tab you can View the original Tweet associated with the story, and either there I can reply, Retweet or Favorite it.
  • ACTIVITY showcases recent follows, favorites, and list additions from those in my Network. This feature makes it very easy for me to see who my followers are engaging with or the type of content they are favoring.
  • WHO TO FOLLOW is pretty self explanatory here and suggests Twitter accounts based on who you follow and more. You can also locate specific Twitter users using the search field as well.
  • FIND FRIENDS is great for those who are just setting up their accounts. Meaning you can search or invite your contacts by email. Note that if you are using this feature to search for contacts You’ll only find users who have allowed their accounts to be found by email address.
  • BROWSE CATEGORIES lists the most popular topics and top influencers across twitter. For example by selecting the Entertainment topic we can see numerous verified Twitter accounts of influential mainstream actors and comedians.
  • TRENDS can also be managed through the discover tab and detail popular keywords or hashtags that are trending on twitter. By default these current trends are based on promoted tweets and what Twitter feels is relevant to me.

So what does this all mean?

There’s no telling what Twitter has planned for the future of this Discover function, however the current use of the tool makes for a more personalized experience with highlighted content that is more relevant to the individual user.

Remember to comment below if you have a topic that you’d like me to cover for an upcoming episode, or if you learned something new. Thanks

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